this account mostly tweet in bahasa, broken english, and sometimes japanese. I like to retweet a lot and mostly use capslock and harshword. often like and retweet about NSFW and LGBTQ+ things. hyping animangas and kpop sometimes. I also rant a lot in this account, so if my tweets annoy you, feel free to knock-knock on my DM or you can do BUB me
toxic, homphobic, doesn't share any interest with me, islamophobic, problematic, racist, not an anitwt account, an attention seekers, and unrespectful
Iruma Jyuto, MTC, Sakasaki Natsume, Knights, Otogari Adonis, Crazy:b, Masaki Hokusai, Osaka Sogo, TRIGGER, Shinkai Fukami
sailormoon, enstars, hypnosismic, paradox live, obey me!, ghibli movies, IDOLISH7, black butler, IEGO, hq, jjk, free!, aoppella, etc.